Monday, December 15, 2008

Highschool Musing

This will be short, I apologize. But in all my musings throughout the day, I've come to several conclusions, a few of which I'll post here.

Highschool Teachers are Brisk: I've noticed that around 9th grade, teachers lose some of the familiarity and personal bonding to students that usually attributes to small classes. As schools get bigger, as is happening all over, and classes get harder and more time-consuming, teachers lose time with which to bond with students. I've bonded easily with teachers all my life, and coming into Highschool is a bit of a shock when they hand you material with a formal air or answer questions curtly in a way of saying "How can you not understand this? It's simple." It's a bit of a shock for me. I'm in all PreAP classes (Just like honors) and I suppose that's the way it goes.

I'll post more later. I should also change those pictures; I got my braces off in August.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snowing? In Houston?

Yes, my friends, you read correctly! It's snowing in Houston! It's amazing! My nose and hands are cold and it's hard to type this... I stood outside for an hour. It's lovely.
Anyway, it's been forever since I typed in this. I apologize. I should really update those pictures.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school. I have mixed feelings about most of it, though, because today was the last time I'll see many, many of my friends. Some I will visit and have visit, but others I'm going to miss a lot, because I'm moving. We'll be here about two weeks more, though, and I'll make an effort to see some friends off in the proper way, with a party or a movie.
I'll see how it goes.
This year, however, has been the hardest and most exhausting. 8th grade was just really long in my opinion, though a lot of people are saying otherwise. There was a hard standardized test this year (which I totally aced) and lots of information to learn, not to mention the introduction to algebra class. Next year I'll finally have lockers.
Yesterday I gave an awesome speech for my 8th grade awards ceremony. I was asked by my English teacher to do so, and prepared one tuesday night. It went over very well, and I "blew my dad's doors off", as he's not easily impressed. Yesterday was a great tribute to my life in Louisiana, because we did a lot of celebrating everything yesterday.
I got seven awards, (my superlative being "most likely to become President") and then gave my speech. Here's a copy.

What I Remember From Middle School
Jennifer Egan

Here comes again the closing of another school year. It seems like only yesterday we were greeted on the first day of school with our new haircuts, new clothes, tan lines, and shy expressions. Yet here we are, all wearing our class shirts boldly, with less than two days left, eagerly awaiting the day where we won’t need to eat the school lunches anymore.
From what I’ve experienced, I’d say these three years have been the most interesting of my life so far. 6th grade. Who here can remember finally getting into Middle School? The days of playgrounds, spelling tests, and penmanship grades all seem so far away now. Finally we were allowed to get rid of that Dutchtown Primary School sweatshirt that made us look so small.
Does anyone else remember the electrical box exploding towards the beginning of 2005, leaving us without air conditioning for a week, and we weren’t even allowed to go home? What about the horrible traffic and overcrowding after hurricane Katrina? And don’t forget Dr. Pulling.
Last year, the years 2006 and 2007, when we were in 7th grade. We were stuck in the middle; not on the top like eighth graders or on the bottom like sixth. This was when the abominable lockdown began when someone wrote a bomb threat in the boy’s bathroom. Nobody guessed that Mr. Walker would actually like the system and keep us on it for the rest of our Middle School lives. It was like Primary School all over again; walking in lines, being escorted to class, meeting in the gym to switch classes. By this time many of our ranks have left us. Dutchtown, the crowded public school it was and still is, had too many students, so we split up our sixth and seventh graders. Some left us for Prairieville Middle, or Central, or to join other Private Schools. And how about those team names? The Flying Pigs, the Sensational Stars, X-Treme Team, and W.O.W. are some of the stranger ones I can remember.
And now eighth grade has finally arrived. We have the privilege to take charge, to name our own team, to speak up for ourselves, to finally sit in the back of the bus. Arriving here is a considerable milestone for us. Now, I don’t know about you, but I found this year particularly exhausting. What with the LEAP test, two Algebra classes, and all the newfound responsibility, I’m definitely ready to start summer early.
However, there were endearing parts to this year. I remember early this school year when Darrien, Troy, and Andre Spears would sing to us at the end of nearly every class almost every day. Or when Ladarius would say “Why you always tryna play me, son?”. And don’t forget when Mrs. Edmonds and Wood did the Souja Boy. The satisfaction that we all felt when we finally finished the LEAP test was almost overpowering.
Though many will be separated when this is over, be it moving or going to EA, I’ll never forget the memories I’ve had here at Dutchtown Middle School. Now that we’re no longer children and are moving up to becoming freshmen, it is time to look to the future. Many need to remember that the miles that separate us don’t matter, and that it’s the smiles that do. Now is the time we work to build our lives. Many of us, I know, will go on to do great things. One may become the next president of the United States. Another may be an actor in the biggest movie of the century. And still others can grow up to top Bill Gates or Donald Trump.
What we make of our lives is up to us. How we choose to live it is our choice. But I know we’ll all carry on impacting this earth. Now what matters is not what we scored on last week’s math test, or what we wore yesterday for free dress, or how many touchdowns we got this season. What matters is what we do with what we’ve learned in these three years together.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Band concert

Well, last night I had a band concert. It was very nice. We played Eagle's Triumph, Port O' Call, Phantom of the Opera Medly, and When Summer Takes Flight. All very easy selections, but it was fun all the same.
Since it was the last concert of the year, awards were given out. I got an award for Superior on Solo and Ensemble, for Youth Orchastra, for completing my scales before anyone else in my grade, and the pristegious, national Director's Award! My band teacher said it was no contest, though some years it is. He gave it to me hands down. I think some of my peers are jealous, though they'd never say, but there's not much I can do about that.

We move in three weeks and the school year ends in just a few days. I have mixed feelings. For one, this school year has been the hardest yet. However, on the other hand, I'll never see some of these people again. They're not so much my friends that I would make a trip out here to see them, so this will be my last encounter with many. You win some you lose some.

My story reached...what, 487 pages? Yeah, I realize, it's a lot. I think I may have to cut it in two if I ever want to publish it. No one would read it for how incredibly long it is.

Have a nice day!

Monday, May 5, 2008


I'm not sure how to delete posts. That last post just happened accidentally before I could put anything inside, and it saved itself.

Well, happy Mexican day! That may sound rude, but I'm not sure what else to call it besides the 'ole C. D. M. Cinco De Mayo. Is that spelled right?

I had a wonderful birthday. Lots of presents, lost of attention, lots of phonecalls... I have a total of $80 just from this birthday from parents, grandparents, et cetera. With it, since I didn't get any this year, I plan on buying a great video game. Or maybe a camera.

Emily's already left for Vienna. How sad. I'm wouldn't have been able to see her anyway, seeing as she lived away from home, but I wish her the best! I plan on reading your blog posts all the time!

How do you put pictures up? Just asking, so I can show you some.

Cinco De Mayo

Monday, April 28, 2008


Whoo! It's so great! I love birthdays, especially mine. <3 I can't wait for presents later, because on your birthday, unlike Christmas, you don't have to feel bad about wanting gifts. It's going to be super fun. We'll open them after dinner, I think.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday monday...

April April!

My favorite month, and it's already almost over. Too bad, eh? My birthday is coming up really soon. For those of you who haven't gotten presents, you know where I am!
Just kidding!

Maybe not...

I'd like to thank my awesome sister for the awesome pictures of the awesome me on Saturday. Oh, and my other two siblings. I'd upload pictures, but I don't have them on this computer. She did a really great job and she was such a creative photographer. (Thanks for getting me to stop tilting my head, Jane!) I'm so excited to maybe put up a few.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Number 1!


My name is Jennifer, and I am an aspiring novelist. After many plights from my - ahem, adoring fans, my sister Jane made me a blog for all interested to see. Here I may post frustration for an argument between the main character and his love interest, or express sorrow at the death of a beloved supporting comrade, or merely vent on how a writer's life can be. I'm going to try to get used to this blog, and I hope you can all bear with me.

Thank you!
